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Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Tarragona Provincial Council and its autonomous bodies carry out their activities within the formal structure for public employees. The civil servants and contract staff hold the permanent positions that are defined in the lists of jobs.

All the open positions that need to be covered permanently are listed in the Oferta Pública d’Ocupació (official list of vacant posts), which is published in the first quarter of the year.

The selection process to cover vacant posts can be through competitive exams, appraisal sessions or a combination of both. The rules that apply to selection procedures are subject to the guidelines, approved yearly, for public job vacancies and can be consulted in the Bases Generals (General Conditions). Each call for employees sets specific requirements for the selection procedure which can be consulted in the corresponding Specific Conditions.

When there is a need to fill temporary positions, the procedure is carried out following the same guidelines as those that are used for permanent positions, using supply positions and lists of vacancies.

You can find all the information on the corporate website of Tarragona Provincial Council.