Base On-line


Strategic principles


BASE-Gestió d’Ingressos is an autonomous organism from Diputació de Tarragona, which is regulated on a self-funding basis with the purpose of developing the tasks assigned by the councils, independent bodies and other public administrations in order to delegate the integral management of their incomes according to their forms of action, collaboration and inter-administrative relations.

The basic services offered are:

  • Management, liquidation, reuptake, inspection and check of all kind of taxes, public prices and other incomes coming from public and private law.
  • Information, assistance, orientation, consultancy and funding from the handled State-owned administration. 
  • Development and maintenance of the information Systems that allow the service delivery. 
  • Implementation of complementary activities necessary to improve their efficiency performance as well as providing the citizenship with the tools to accomplish their tax duties.


Turning BASE-Gestió d’Ingressos into a reference model within the public administrations in order to constantly improve the provision of services, which configure the mission, according to the following principles:

  • Effectiveness 
  • Technological innovation 
  • Efficiency


Our mission and vision can be reached by implementing the following corporative values:

  • Integrity: keeping internal coherence with firmness in order to be reliable.
  • Interpersonal relationships: creating an adequate emotional atmosphere to establish a good relationship with all groups of interest.
  • Teamwork: generating a cooperation behaviour between team members in order to ease the achievement of their goals.
  • Continuous improvement: boosting a personal and collective improvement and innovation attitude that will improve the organisation.
  • Achieving results: promoting the achievement of balanced results and being motivated to do so.
  • Transparency: guaranteeing transparency in the management and use of resources made available by society.


EFQM 500+