Base On-line


Most important applications and procedures

10/05/2023  |  Base - Gestió d'Ingressos

Next, please find the most recommended applications and procedures, available in the electronic headquarters of BASE, in order to comply with the payment terms of the current year and avoid visiting our offices:

  • The Personalised Payment Account makes it easier to split into 9 monthly payments periodically-expiring and voluntary-term taxes. Procedure (with digital certificate): : “Personalised Payment Account”.
  • Tax debts within voluntary term can be postponed or split, , by means of a request by the tax obligated person, when their economic-financial situation prevents them from performing, on a transitory manner, the payment within established terms. Procedure (with digital certificate): “Requesting postponement or splitting within voluntary term”.
  • Domiciling taxes allows for domiciling payment of periodic collection receipt. Procedure (with digital certificate): “Domiciling tax objects” or “Domiciling by subject”.
  • Payment by credit or debit card:
    • Group payment of previously-selected debts is allowed. Procedure (with digital certificate): “Debts and Fines” to select debts and then “Payment by TPV".
    • By means of available data in the paying-in slip. Procedures (without digital certificate): “Tax payment” or “Paying-in slip”.
  • Receiving paying-in slips via email or SMS also facilitates payment of taxes through the available means. Procedure (with digital certificate): “Modifying personal data and the relation with BASE” to activate “Electronic communications”.
  • Activation of electronic notifications. Procedure (with digital certificate): “Modifying personal data and the relation with BASE”.

More information:

  • Procedures with digital certificate: select “Enter” in order to get access to “BASE on-line” and login with digital certificate, cl@ve or idCAT Mòbil. Once logged in, access the desired procedure or application. 
  • Appointments: you can conduct these procedures in person in any of our offices by making an Appointment (in the electronic headquarters or calling the available offices’ phone numbers). Those obliged to interact electronically with an administration can only make an appointment when the procedure is not available in the electronic headquarters of BASE.
  • Care line phone numbers: +34 977 25 34 00 or at the phone number you’ll find at the paying-in slip’s header.
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